online business ideas
Make Money Online

18+ Online Business Ideas You Can Start Today

The best place for investing something and generating something is internet so you can say it’s the best place for doing business.

Investing and starting a business is far better than dumping your $$ into an offline store in an offline market.there are a lot of big reasons why you should start an online business.

In today’s article, I’ll be talking about the various online business ideas with which you can start an online business and start making money working at home.

I prefer business than working as an employee for someone. Being your own boss have a different feeling.

You must be thinking why am I preferring online business?

Why Online Business?

Starting a business online have a lot of values and valid reasons like

  • You Don’t have to sit 12-14 hours on a shop
  • You can do business from any part of the world
  • Better exposure to your business.
  • More Potential Customers

There are much more reasons to start an online business rather than doing it offline.

So I’ll be sharing 20 Online Business Ideas today for your people.

Top 20 Online Business Ideas Which You Can Start Now

  • Creating An E-commerce Store

Well, you were about to start an offline store for your business. Right? So why don’t you do it online?

Decide the category/products you want to sell and start a store right now.

With Solutions like Shopify and Woocommerce building, an online store has become so easy.If you don’t know the technical part you can better hire the web developer for this part. It will not cost very high.

But you’ll end up having an online store all set to make money online.


  • Stock & Forex Trading

You must be thinking it’s a risky business idea as most of the people consider joining stock and forex trading to be risky. I’ll recommend you to start from small this way you can easily come up in this business.

Keeping these things apart, it’s still now a very good online business idea. there are a lot of people out there doing these things online.

  • Blogging

Here comes my favorite one i.e blogging. I love this a lot and this is one of the most recommended business ideas online.

You won’t believe there are people out there making more than 30,000 $ per month just by blogging at home.

There’s a large scope in blogging for the upcoming years. Start blogging now

  • Start Building Applications

If you are good at programming and coding then this would be the best business idea for you. start working as an app developer.

The number of smartphones is increasing and there’ll be a huge demand of application in the smartphone market. So this is the perfect time to jump into this business and have a strong business.

You can even sell your apps or monetize it to earn via advertising and other services.

  • Online Marketing

Don’t worry !! Online Marketing doesn’t require an MBA degree. All you need to have some basic marketing skills and ideas and boom. You can easily make money sitting at home just by marketing products online.

There are Thousands of products online and million of customers out there. you can have a rough estimate of amounts you can make if you are good at it.

  • Creating WordPress Themes

With the expansion of WordPress and increment in WordPress users, there has been a great demand of Premium WordPress Themes in the web market.

If you know Web Languages then I’ll recommend you to start building WordPress themes and start making money through your themes.

  • Selling Ebooks

If you are good at writing and have something worth teaching others then start writing books on them and make money through them. Nowadays Ebooks are more popular than hard copies of books.

On the other hand, e-books have a large audience and more exposure around the web so making money with them will be easy.

  • Become A Voice/Video Artist

I have seen a lot of artists out there on the web who are making large numbers through their voice and acting skills. You can also see

Just open Fiverr and on the homepage, you’ll get a lot of gigs related to music and videos.

It’s also a great business idea for an online business.

  • Affiliates

In this digital world with these much digital goods and devices, you can make money by referring people a product i.e affiliate. you can join the various affiliate programs offered by various online companies and start promoting their products.

When someone buys a product, you’ll be credited with a share of the sale as a commission in your bank could be also a great business idea.


  • Social Media Manager

Large corporations, business firms, artists and public figures can easily hire a full-time social media consultant and manager for handling their social media profiles.

As a consultant for social media, you can effectively steer them in the right direction concerning ideal tactics, implementing schedules, and posting content regarding their target audience. Therefore, as their business grows, so will yours.

  • Buying & Selling Domains

In my recent articles, I have already told you that you can earn a lot just by selling domain names. in fact, there are thousands out there doing the same business online. You can use GoDaddy auctions and other online platforms for buying and selling domains. there’s very much profit in this business.

  • Graphic Designer

I have seen these days there’s a great demand for graphic designers everywhere and if you are good at graphics. Woo!!! you can make a lot just by working from home on your lappy. Graphic works include Sketches, Vector Art, Logo, Photoshop etc

You could also join networks of graphic designers to get more custom projects and orders.

  • Web Developer

Good at building websites ??

Then it can be a great business idea for you, as with digitalization everyone wants to make him/his brand online and that is what a web developer does.

I have a friend who is good at developing websites and he started his own web development & designing firm online. He’s doing well and earning a decent amount of money every month.


  • Paid Writer

This is indeed a very good option to make money online while writing. There’s a great demand for writers out there in the blogosphere and they are also paid well for their job. I mean there is various magazines/news portal online who are paying a lot to their writers.

This way you can fill your pockets online just by writing from home.


  • Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a great job to have if you want flexibility. You’ll be able to maintain multiple clients at once which mean you can easily fill gaps in your week or work overtime if you need to.

A virtual assistant will generally charge £15-25 depending on their job role. Expect to be assisting with tasks such as blogger outreach, product listings, research and responding to emails.

  • Currency Trading

Every day there’s a huge fluctuation in the FX market. if you have some fundamental technical and analytic skills and have some knowledge in currency trading then you can make a big out of this business idea.

Nowadays Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin trading is trending and popular. people have experienced profit of more than 180% just by investing in bitcoins. You can try it too.

  • Translator

There are more than 3 lakh translators in the world for a reason, indeed they are needed. In the world where most of the companies are outsourcing supplies, they need translators for communicating people with different languages.

Translators are paid really well and sometimes they also get opportunities of traveling.

  • Selling On eBay

Don’t have money to open your own e-commerce store online?

Don’t worry. you can also sell your products online through other e-commerce stores. Yeah, E-commerce giants like eBay and Amazon provide you an option to register with them as a seller and can sell your products online.

  • Training & Mentor

You have some great knowledge about anything then you can also make money by teaching it online to other people. you can train people online and mentor them by your e-classes or courses.

I have seen a lot of people who build a course and make it online for others at an affordable rate and are making money through that.

You can also offer paid webinars.


  • Multi Level Marketing

This is also a great business idea for an online business. even I had also worked with many multi level marketing companies. in short, we call it MLM companies.

In these companies, you have to join with a small initial investment and you will be paid for building your team below your downline. it means by joining other people below you.You can google it for more info as they’re different kinds of MLM schemes out there.


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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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